Which Lotteries Give You the Best Chance of Winning?
Learn Which Game Gives You the Best Lotto Odds

I'm going to tell you something that may well surprise you – winning the lottery is easy. Hitting the jackpot, well that's the tricky part, sure, but it is possible. The people who win huge jackpots each and every week are a testament to that fact.
What doesn't get reported, however, but what happens with even greater frequency, is that people win lower division prizes of considerable value. Which, while they may not be enough to make headlines, are still more than sufficient to change people's lives.
As for the jackpots, yeah, winning isn't easy, but then nothing worthwhile in life is easy. Having a little flutter at the races and winning a few bucks can be a fun experience, for sure. But nothing can compare with the unbridled joy of winning that massive lottery jackpot.
Whenever there's a discussion about which games of chance offer the best odds lottery games are always dismissed. Which is a shame, because many do offer some incredible winning odds and for far less financial outlay.
The Biggest Lottery Jackpots
It's very the first thing any lottery fan wants to know – how big is the jackpot?
Well wonder no more. In the table below you'll find a full list of all available lotteries at Lottoland with all their record jackpots.
The Biggest Lottery Jackpots | |
Lottery | Record Jackpot (NZD) |
Powerball (US) | $2.19 billion |
Megamillions (US) | $2.1 billion |
SuperEnaLotto (Italy) | $360 million |
EuroMillions | $314 million |
UK Lotto | $129 million |
Eurojackpot | $124 million |
Oz Lotto | $117 million |
MegaSena (Brazil) | $109 million |
Powerball | $83 million |
Spanish Lotto | $51 million |
Swedish Lotto | $35 million |
Saturday Lotto | $34 million |
French Lotto | $33 million |
Irish Lotto | $25 million |
Polish Lotto | $18 million |
Austrian Lotto | $13 million |
Mini Lotto (Poland) | $965,000 |
Which Lottery Has The Best Chance Of Winning?
So, now that you know the biggest jackpot each lottery has paid out it's time to see how they stack up in order to determine which one offers the best lottery odds. The below table represents the overall odds of winning any prize.
Odds of Winning Any Prize | |
Lottery | Overall Odds |
French Lotto | 1 in 6 |
Spanish Lotto | 1 in 10 |
UK Lotto | 1 in 9.3 |
Austrian Lotto | 1 in 12 |
EuroMillions | 1 in 13 |
MegaMillions (US) | 1 in 24 |
PowerBall (US) | 1 in 24.8 |
EuroJackpot | 1 in 26 |
German Lotto | 1 in 31 |
Swedish Lotto | 1 in 55 |
Polish Lotto | 1 in 57 |
Irish Lotto | 1 in 72 |
OZ PowerBall | 1 in 78 |
Mon/Wed Lotto | 1 in 85 |
Mini Lotto (Poland) | 1 in 124.51 |
Saturday Lotto | 1 in 144 |
SuperEnaLotto (Italy) | 1 in 314 (approx) |
MegaSena (Brazil) | 1 in 2,332 |
As you can see the Irish Lotto is a decent all-rounder; it might not have anywhere near the biggest jackpots, but in terms of prize odds it's in the centre. Still, compare that with EuroMillions, which is third both in terms of jackpot sizes and odds of winning any prizes, and it's plain to see why it remains Europe's favourite lottery.
The absolute best any-prize odds of any of our lotteries is the French lotto, with any-prize odds of 6:1. In second place we have Austrian Lotto, another popular choice due to its low price, good any-prize and jackpot odds (the same as the Irish Lotto was before the 2015 changes), and added bonus game.
At the very opposite end of the scale, meanwhile, we have Brazil's Mega Sena. Though it should be noted that this lottery only has three large prize tiers in total.
If you haven't had much success betting on the lottery in the past, it may be that you were making one of the common mistakes which makes a win less likely. Check out the following video where we outline the top 7 tips for lottery success!
Which Lottery Has The Best Jackpot Odds?
Go on, be honest, you just scrolled right down here didn't you? I'm basing that assumption, not on my psychic abilities, but rather solid statistics. In countless surveys of lottery fans from all over the world it's always those massive jackpots, more than any other factor, which entices people to have a bet. Playing the lottery is a longshot bet, as you well know, though well worth the potential reward. What's not as widely known, however, are the exact odds of hitting the jackpot - which is exactly why we've created the following table.
Odds of Winning Jackpot | |
Lottery | Jackpot Odds |
Mini Lotto (Poland) | 1 : 850,668 |
Swedish Lotto | 1 : 6,724,520 |
Mon/Wed Lotto | 1 : 8,145,060 |
OZ Saturday Lotto | 1 : 8,145,060 |
Austrian Lotto | 1 : 8,145,060 |
Irish Lotto | 1 : 10,737,573 |
Polish Lotto | 1 : 13,983,816 |
Bitcoin Lotto | 1 : 13,983,816 |
German Lotto | 1 : 15,537,573 |
French Lotto | 1 : 19,068,840 |
Quina (Brazil) | 1 : 24,040,016 |
Spanish Lotto | 1 : 31,625,100 |
UK Lotto | 1 : 45,057,474 |
MegaSena (Brazil) | 1 : 50,063,860 |
Oz PowerBall | 1 : 76,767,600 |
EuroJackpot | 1 : 95,344,200 |
WorldMillions (US) | 1 : 100,000,000 |
PowerBall (US) | 1 : 292,201,338 |
EuroMillions | 1 : 139,838,160 |
MegaMillions (US) | 1 : 302,575,350 |
SuperEnaLotto (Italy) | 1 : 622,614,630 |
As you can well imagine the lotteries with the largest jackpots also have the biggest odds, whereas those with smaller odds, like Poland's Mini Lotto, have smaller prizes. The sweet spot for many lies in the centre, which is why lotteries such as the Irish and Polish lotteries are so popular. Lottolanders are also starting to bet on the Swedish Lotto and the Austrian Lotto since they offer large jackpots, at reasonable odds, for an even more reasonable price.
Choosing A Lottery For You
There are many factors to keep in mind when choosing the right lottery for you. The good news is that, at Lottoland, we go the extra mile to ensure our customers are as well informed about each lottery as possible. So be sure to check out our extensive FAQs (simply click on the Help & FAQ button on the top right) on each lottery for vital information including prizes, odds, rules, detailed instructions on how to make your bets, plus tips on how to win.
Of course sometimes the best way to learn something is to dive straight in and just give it a go. So be sure to check out all our lotteries and take advantage of the exclusive features only available at Lottoland